Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company

Brand Development Logo Advertising: Print+Digital Collateral Packaging Label Design
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    Using ele­ments from the farm, we devel­oped a unique logo and descrip­tor for each product.

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A brand that will stand strong until the cows come home.

When we first start­ed work­ing with the Gia­co­mi­ni fam­i­ly, they already ran a suc­cess­ful dairy busi­ness and want­ed to break into cheese­mak­ing, specif­i­cal­ly blue cheese. At the time, the biggest name in the game was May­tag and it basi­cal­ly had a cor­ner on the mar­ket. The Gia­co­min­is had every­thing they need­ed — com­mit­ment, excel­lence, fam­i­ly name — but they were lack­ing a brand. And when it comes to knock­ing a king off a throne, a sol­id brand is arguably your best weapon. We dis­tilled the qual­i­ty and her­itage of their farm and prod­uct into a logo and brand pres­ence that’s as time­less as their mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional busi­ness. The result? Let’s just say the May­tag repair man is not happy.

Next: A.G. Ferrari