Long Meadow Ranch

Brand Redesign Strategy Messaging Interactive Design Identity Advertising: Print+Digital Packaging Collateral Illustration Label Design
  • Ted, Lad­die, and Chris Hall loved the mark they devel­oped in the 70’s that was also their brand­ing iron, but the word­mark no longer expressed the char­ac­ter of the ranch or the evo­lu­tion of the com­pa­ny. They hired us to devel­op a word­mark that would work seam­less­ly with their mark while reflect­ing their new sen­si­bil­i­ties and main­tain­ing a con­nec­tion to their heritage. 

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    Along with the ranch, their restau­rant Farm­stead in St. Hele­na, is a hub of activ­i­ty. We built a cus­tom site that could hold their vast amount of con­tent that is editable through­out. More impor­tant­ly, vis­i­tors can book restau­rant reser­va­tions, RSVP for events, view and down­load menus, as well as find infor­ma­tion on the many offerings.

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In this case, we took brand­ing literally.

Long Mead­ow Ranch has a rich his­to­ry in Napa Val­ley that dates back to Civ­il War times. It has been in the Hall fam­i­ly since the 1980’s, and their excel­lent wine is sold all over the world. They also raise cat­tle, house bees and grow organ­ic veg­gies, the prod­ucts of which can be found on the menu at their acclaimed restau­rant and for sale in their gen­er­al store. Their pri­or brand­ing was look­ing dat­ed, so they reached out to us to cre­ate a look that embraced both their his­to­ry and the cool stuff they’re doing at the ranch today. We gave them a clean and con­tem­po­rary word­mark that mar­ried the style of their orig­i­nal logo, that hear­kened back to their cat­tle-rustlin’ roots. They have become an extreme­ly pop­u­lar wine coun­try des­ti­na­tion and their brand­ing sets them apart among Napa’s more osten­ta­tious labels.