
Brand Redesign Strategy Messaging Logo Identity Video Advertising
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Good2Go start­ed as an access solu­tions com­pa­ny and con­sumer app that made find­ing a clean restroom in major cities super easy. It was per­fect for all the Lyft and Uber dri­vers who had filled city streets with nowhere to go.” They also pro­duced mobile units and part­nered with TOTO for Olympic events and parks and rec. We brand­ed the con­sumer app and watched it go. Like with many com­pa­nies, the pan­dem­ic put the busi­ness on pause. Good2Go is such an intel­li­gent ser­vice that they piv­ot­ed to B2B and start­ed solv­ing oth­er access issues like shrink in gro­cery and retail. They called us back to help guide the new mes­sag­ing. Hap­pi­ly, our ini­tial brand work remained Good2Go.

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